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Learn to take better product photos with the camera you already have!
90% of Etsy shoppers say product photos are the most important factor in deciding to buy, even more important than the shipping cost, customer reviews, or even the price of the item itself.
Hey, Maker!
With 5.2 million sellers on Etsy "bad photos" are losing you thousands in sales each year.
√ You've mastered your craft by creating a product that is in demand
√ You've perfected your SEO
√ You show up on social
but all you hear is crickets...
You're missing the most critical skill needed to sell your products online
Whether your people are searching on Etsy, Amazon, Google, or scrolling through social if you can’t stop their scroll by grabbing their attention with a stunning high-quality product photo, that sets you apart, you've lost the sale!
But what are you supposed to do?
🚫 Spend $500 + on a DSLR camera?
🚫 Invest $1000’s learning how to use a DSLR camera?
🚫 Pay monthly fees for pro editing software like Lightroom or Photoshop costing you hundreds overtime
🚫 Hire a professional product photographer, costing you hundreds every time you launch a new product?
🚫 Lose hours of your life searching for the DIY answer by trying to piecemeal it all together?
It may go against everything you have heard but you don't need to do any of the above to get quality images that sell your products and make you money!
That's exactly why I created the FREE "Take Better Product Photos with Your Smartphone Challenge."
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In as little as 5 days you're going to learn...

Learn how to save yourself at least $500 by getting clear on what is required to take product photos that sell your amazing products. PLUS you are going to learn the biggest mistake makers make when shooting with their smartphones and how fixing this mistake will save you time and time again from having to reshoot your product photos

Learn the biggest mistake made when shooting product photos with your smartphone that is costing you thousands in sales

Learn how to save yourself the headache of editing images for hours

Learn how to create visual interest in your images that will help you grab a shopper's attention and allow your product to stand out in a sea of sameness

Learn how to add the PRO touch to all of your images so that you can accurately represent the quality of your products
What Your Fellow Makers Have To Say...

Don't Let Another Sale Pass You By
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