hey, maker

Learn how to Evaluate, Diagnose, and Cure your crummy natural light in as little as 5 days with

Make natural light work for you every time you take photos of your products with The Makers Method live, 5-Day Challenge starting October 14, 2024.











You are a creative maker who has perfected your craft and creates amazing products, but you struggle to take product photos that truly reflect the quality and value of your work and you know this is COSTING YOU SALES
Your fight with natural light is a very real problem as you work to take your own product photos that are supposed to turn lookers into buyers
Natural light is constantly changing and the weather can be unpredictable
Every time you go to take product photos you are facing new challenges you don’t know how to solve. 
Most of the time you struggle to find enough light. This causes you to spend hours moving your set-up from room to room, chasing that perfect light
Sometimes your light is dull and then other times it’s too harsh
Other times you have distracting shadows or reflections.
Rarely are you satisfied with your results. On the off chance you get a great photo, you never know how to replicate it. You just chalk it up to a stroke of luck. 
Frustrated, you spend hours searching on Google, Pinterest, and YouTube for tips on how to take better product photos.
You’ve even invested your precious time and money on different solutions, thinking they will solve your problems but you still struggle to capture your products in the perfect light. 
Taking your own product photos is just one more thing that leaves you feeling frustrated, defeated, and doubting your ability to be a successful business owner.

No matter what you do, your photos just don't look right

Imagine what it would feel like if you never had to chase the light again because you know exactly how to capture it.

How Would You Feel If You...

  • no longer had to rely on trial and error or spend hours trying to get your lighting  just right.

  •  had a clear understanding of how to evaluate the light available to you.

  • knew how to diagnose the crummy problems you were experiencing with light.

  •  knew how to cure any challenges you were facing with light no matter the circumstance

With the right information and support Nadine, owner of Resin Designs was able to cure her light challenges in as little as 5 days and take her photo from this to this...

"I learnt so much and the improvement on my photos was amazing. From beginning to end the information was detailed, and the price I paid to do the challenge was definitely worth it. Kristina was so supportive and gave so much of her time to help me get the outcome I was looking for." - Nadine Shaw

That is exactly what The Makers Method signature framework L.I.G.H.T will do for you.


Learn how to make natural light work for you every time you go to take your own product photos in this live, 5-day challenge created specifically for non-photographer makers, by maker and product photographer Kristina Nicole.

And the best part? You don't need any fancy equipment or professional training.

Instead, you can end your fight with natural light by saving your spot for The Makers Method 5-day challenge, L.I.G.H.T.

This Live Challenge is October 14-18, 2024


gives you the cure for...


in just a few simple steps without expensive equipment

What's Included with



√   5 Pre-recorded lessons, released daily at 6:00 PM Eastern prior to the challenge day

You will learn the cure for...

  • Day 1: not having "enough light"
  • Day 2: harsh light with hard, defined shadows
  • Day 3: uneven light
  • Day 4: reflections
  • Day 5: making your products look true to color in every photo

√   Daily action steps that get you to see instant results. 

And the best part? You'll be able to do it all by yourself without having to spend a fortune on equipment or a professional photographer. 

√  Daily Live Critiques + Q&A at 10:00 AM Eastern with Kristina Nicole hosted inside of a private Facebook group.

Think of the time you'll save and the knowledge you'll gain from having the expert at your fingertips. 

√   Downloadable L.I.G.H.T framework handbook that guides you through the steps of evaluating, diagnosing, and curing your crummy light.

Imagine the confidence you will feel when you no longer have to rely on trial and error.

√   30-Day access to the downloadable handbook, lessons, and live critiques + Q&A (download for lifetime access) 



As a result of this live, 5-Day Challenge you are going to learn how to evaluate the natural light available to you, diagnose any problems, and create a cure no matter the season, time of day, or weather conditions so that you can end your fight with natural light forever. 

Student Gallery 

See their results and hear what they have to say about L.I.G.H.T

Lissa Bowman


“The L.I.G.H.T. challenge was ABSOLUTELY worth the money! Kristina's clear, straightforward style was just what I needed to understand and execute some effective changes in how I take product photos. For years, I was frustrated with taking SO many dull photos that didn't show the beauty of my handmade pieces. Kristina's L.I.G.H.T. challenge gave me some basic information I needed to boost my photography skills and give me hope that I can take decent, even BEAUTIFUL, photos of my jewelry!”

“The value for money on this challenge is *unbelievable.* I was already using natural light to photograph my products, and since I'm not a photographer, it was hit or miss. Now I understand why it sometimes worked and sometimes didn't - plus I picked up on a ton of awesome tips that apply to my specific case, just from being exposed to the way a photographer thinks and works.“ 

Patrícia Esteves


“I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and learnt so much during L.I.G.H.T. I am now able to assess my setup and lighting and able to take far better photos than before the challenge. Kristina was so open with her knowledge and honest with feedback and I feel the challenge fee was worth every penny.”

Deborah Black


 “I enjoyed this challenge and it was definitely worth the cost. I learned about light and shadows, how to correct my lighting, and what time of day to take my photos. I will be applying the techniques learned to all my current pictures and any future photos taken.”

Demetra Rowan


Debra Long


“I was amazed by the amount of knowledge I gained from Kristina's 5 lessons. I highly recommend this challenge to anyone struggling with photography. Considering the price I paid, I didn't expect to learn as much as I did. I have just scratched the surface, and yet I've already acquired so much knowledge. The challenge is worth every penny. No regrets whatsoever.”

Laine Shepard


“Definitely recommend if, like me, you can never find the “right” place because of sunlight and/or shadows. Before I took this challenge my biggest frustration was photographing my products. The light was ALWAYS my nemesis. Having tiny windows with dark corners all I got was shadows. On day one I learnt where is the best place to take photos in my house (and despite me thinking Kristina’s method wouldn’t help me, it absolutely did!) and the following days how to set up for each kind of sunlight drama like harsh light. I feel I now have the tools and much more knowledge in order to get the quality needed for online shops like Etsy.”

“I was so happy that I took the L.I.G.H.T. challenge! The amount of information contained in each day's lesson was incredible and well-presented. My questions about lighting were answered. The fact that we also have lifetime access to the lessons is a huge asset. Thank you Kristina for the time and effort you put into this challenge! It was without a doubt worth the money.”

Marilyn Stephens


“I learned ways to troubleshoot different lighting issues that I've experienced. Knowing that there IS a viable solution (and what that solution is) is priceless. I've been able to take much better photos, even with my artificial light set-up, thanks to the strategies we learned in L.I.G.H.T.”

Jolene Parrish


“L.I.G.H.T. was totally worth $37 and then some! Kristina Nicole actually demonstrates what to do to achieve better photos and then gives you an assignment where you can put into practice what you just learned. I immediately saw a difference in my product photos! I was so impressed with her teaching style, down-to-earth explanations of photography, and the change in my photos. If you want better product photos, do not hesitate to sign up for L.I.G.H.T.”

Karen Molloy


Marcy Launtanen-Raleigh


“I wanted to improve my photography using natural light. I found out what I was doing wrong, what I was doing right and got great feedback during the process. The steps were easy to follow and I learned exactly what I needed to get my photos out of the dungeon. This was well worth the money and then some.”

Perri Medina


“I am so happy that I took the challenge! It taught me so much about what is the best lighting for my photos and my products! My main goal was to make mock-ups for my products and I did just that!”

“I was very excited to take Kristina's LIGHT challenge. But I was BLOWN AWAY by it after the very first session. Not only was it informative and yes - challenging, but it was led and taught in a way that somehow magically worked for everyone. As someone who spent most of my adult life in education, I know firsthand how difficult it is to come up with a strategy that is useful across the board. But here's the thing: it did not seem difficult the way she taught it. Comprehensive, elaborate, yes. But explained clearly, concisely and specifically. To add an extra sweetness to the experience - I made a sale the following day and this is typically my slowest season where I go months without sending anything.”

Milica Paranosic


“Because my product is resin it is highly reflective. I love making the necklaces but HATED trying to photograph them! It was always incredibly frustrating trying to eliminate glare and reflections. What a difference the L.I.G.H.T challenge made for me. I learned a lot of new things and so many practical solutions to my problems. It was absolutely worth the cost and I'm so glad I found out about the challenge. Kristina changed my whole view/attitude about photographing my things.”

Ginia Weaver


“This challenge really helped me to learn the fundamentals of natural lighting and how to navigate even the most challenging lighting situations (ie, not enough light, cloudy days, weird shadows, etc.). Kristina's method of teaching is so down to Earth. She is incredibly approachable and a hands-on instructor... she's with you every step of the way. This challenge packs a lot of information in a relatively short amount of time, but Kristina makes it fun, and you have downloadable access to the challenge to work at your own pace or refer back to. The L.I.G.H.T. Challenge is one of the best classes I have ever taken and worth every penny (and then some!).”

Michelle Wambolt


Jaymie Derden


“The L.I.G.H.T. challenge was such a great experience. I am a total amateur at photography and really struggled to take decent product photos. I was a little hesitant to sign up because most of the time I shoot using artificial light, but Kristina assured me the principles I'd learn would be beneficial. And wow... were they ever. I learned so much -- my photos are SO MUCH BETTER and I feel much more confident. Kristina is a great teacher and provided clear and practical assistance and guidance throughout the challenge. This was the BEST $37 I ever spent! HIGHLY recommend!“

Cindy Pacileo


“Kristina Nicole's L.I.G.H.T Challenge was an amazing week of learning! The 5 simple exercises built on each other, leading me step by step to a much better understanding of how to control and direct natural light to enhance my product photos.  loved the hands-on learning that came from doing the daily photo challenge, then picked up another layer of understanding from Kristina's reviews of my results and her suggestions for next steps. the level of support she gave each of us as we worked through our different challenges can't be topped!”

‘’This class was totally worth the price! Kristina gave a lot of great information! She was very hands on and honest, but uplifting and supportive so that I and everyone learned a lot!!’’

Sandy Schabert


“In just a few short days, I learned a quite in depth amount about lighting and how to reflect lighting. This course was absolutely worth $37.00 and I would advise anyone that needs to take pictures of products and post to a website to take this course. If you take your own photos, this is an absolute must to get you started.”

Rita Scholz


"I found this challenge to be a wonderful way to begin troubleshooting my photo-taking skills. Now, with some valuable pointers that gave immediate results, I no longer dread my photo sessions. Plus, the price was right!

Kim Roth


Susan Woodhall

"Silver and gold pendants reflect everything! This is so much better!"

Susan's product reflects everything... 
By day four of L.I.G.H.T, Susan had learned how to modify her light to get these stunning results. Just look at the difference in the product’s detail.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much time, money, and frustration do you exhaust trying to fix natural light? Isn't it worth $37 to finally have the cure?


End Your Fight with Natural Light